Turkey Legs



  1. Preheat over to 450 degrees.
  2. Line a rimmed roasting pan (or baking sheet) with aluminum foil and fit with a roasting rack. Spray the rack with vegetable oil if not non-stick.
  3. Wash and pat the turkey legs dry.
  4. Brush melted butter all over the turkey legs. Coat evenly with seasoning mix. Place on roasting rack.
  5. Roast uncovered for 20 minutes until the skin is browned.
  6. Loosley cover with foil, to avoid scorching the top, and continue roasting until joices run clear when pierced and an instand thermometer registers 165 degrees (make sure it is not touching a bone.), about 30 minutes.
  7. Remove from the oven and alllow to rest, still covered in foil, for 10 minutes before serving, allowing the internal temperature to climb a bit more and the juices to redistribute and settle.

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